Copyright Notice

Unless specified otherwise I own the copyright for anything on this site. That means both text and images, including background images. All rights are retained, nothing on this site may be reproduced elsewhere unless my explicit permission has been obtained in advance.

A list of items the copyright to which I do not hold will be provided below. I can't guarantee that this list will always be complete, but copyright should usually be attributed where it's due with the actual material, excepting such cases where I didn't deem it practicable (the NaNoWriMo icons are a good example of the latter type of case).

The List
  • The NaNoWriMo icons displayed on the writing page orgininated with and the copyright on them (to the best of my knowledge) belongs to The only thing I did with them was take two seperate images and put them in a single .gif file for layout purposes.
  • Blanket coverage for quotes: copyright on all quoted texts, in sofar as it exists, rest with the sources of said texts. Attempts at will be made to individually mention lengthier quotes in this list.
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